If you post it, I'll definitely play it. Deal?
â īšâ
Age 37, Male
Joined on 3/17/01
If you post it, I'll definitely play it. Deal?
Well, uploading stuff is free, isn't it? What's more, it looks damn interesting! I'd really like to play it.
You should totally post your game. I am a big fan of your games because they are very different from other peoples for better or for worse. I always like to talk to my friends and other developers about them, they are an interesting conversation piece.
Anyways, release that bad boy!
Basics are there now enhance it!
You choose: Post the game or continue living a nice life with all your extremities intact.
I happen to like 8-bit graphics, and I would definitely play the game as it is right now. You should post it.
Pleeease do! Been trying to keep the shovelware off the site but on some days it results in removing MOST the games. I'd love if more people felt encouraged to submit small projects like jam games - a lot of times they are most interesting games out there. Plus we have lots of games already from that Ludum Dare so you can compete against them in the sorted tag results. :P
they fuckin killed me at PORT?! .... add that to your tips to win lol
Yeah Add a few more upgrades, some larger maps, some different fish and a couple more challanges, and you'll have a really good game here.
I quite enjoyed it, but there should be a way to repair your ship. I was all epic and stuff, but I got to the point where 1 more hit would kill me, and I could only be so careful, so I died before I got the last port.
If there was a way to repair my ship, my bad :P
I don't know if it was clear how to upgrade your ship either, it seemed like only some of the ports allowed you to upgrade your ship, presumably the larger islands?
Alternate controls might've been nice too, since having to shoot pirates while simultaneously sailing away from them was a little bit of a pain.
You should defs submit it though!
It's a good little game, that's nice to explore for a while. I will say however that the mouse controls do feel a little out of place and that key input may have been more suited to this design, but It is your game and it works so I wont judge it to harshly because of mouse controls. I did like the interaction between various elements of the world such as the pirates that fire at you and the comments of the port crew. Overall I found that just like your game, "Take care of the Trees", I wound up wanting more. If you leave a player wanting more, you've done something right. This game would be great for the portal.
If Tom Fulp tells you to post a game to Newgrounds, you probably should.
yes, you should.
You should defenitely post it here on NG after a bit of polish! Good job and I sure hope that you do revisit
it at some point!