I really liked it. The beginning had a really epic quality to it. I would have liked to see more effort and overall more to it. Still great, though.
I really liked it. The beginning had a really epic quality to it. I would have liked to see more effort and overall more to it. Still great, though.
Thankyou SIR! :D
I can really relate to this movie because it seems like every time I drive into the sewers with my futuristic car and fight a dragon, the flames chase me out. It suxxxx d000dddd.
Seriously though, I liked it.
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Very impressive! I love your style of animation. It reminds me of south park or something but you are very very good at syncing the characters movements with the audio I am very impressed. Great work!
HAHA thanks,, i dont think i have a great style but it suits me fine,, thanks, but yea the hard part is just syncing the audio,, but glad you enjoyed
Not bad
Better than most your other movies. I like it.
God damn
I would have givin you a 4-5 but you got a 0 for not listing your audio credits. Hope it was worth it.
Dude...what the hell is wrong with you I DID list my audio credits. They are in the CREDITS OF THE MOVIE. God damn you're retarted.
Im from America and this is just straight up disrespectful.. How would you feel if someone made something like this on july 4th about america? Seriously, grow up.
Reviewed by: MontyC13 Overall rating: 2
I thought thtat this whole movie was sarcastic and by bashing Canada for what most people like about it I thought you meant it as a good thing
The best movie ever
The best movie ive ever seen on NG.
lol ur kidding right?
I stopped the movie the second I heard that song. You were better off with silence, besides how long does it take to insert in some default sound effects that come with flash? 15 minutes? Should have put in the extra effort.
mute the damn thing then...
read the decription 2....i treid adding sound FX but it took away from the movie.
Not bad
This movie was pretty good, I loved the sound effects and how everything synced pretty well A+ on that. I did, however, think there was lack of humor but maybe thats just me. It seemed like the only funny part was the end which was funny as hell. I think if you used shading this movie would look ALOT better. Great job I would love to see more, keep up the good work!
Yeah, it does kinda drag in a few places where the characters stop and have a "whoah" moment every so often, but I needed those pauses to fit in all the Christmassy music! ^_^
But you're right, there's only so much 'funny' one can get out of cartoon violence.
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Age 37, Male
Joined on 3/17/01