would have been good but..
Would have been good without the music. Sorry.
would have been good but..
Would have been good without the music. Sorry.
Not bad
Awesome animation. To fix your lip synch problem click audio and change event to steam. This will make it stream with the movie instead of going by itself. I love your animation style seriously, Awesome! As for the humor I know you can do better but still not bad. Keep up the great work!
Good try
I can tell you put effort into this but newgrounds is a very hard crowd to please. The movie wasnt bad, try recording the audio all at once then making the movie around the audio, this is what most people do. Good try and I hope to see more in the future.
My Review
Contrary to popular beleive 'KEANUREEVESISONFIRE' is not in any way a ripoff of it's prequel 'BRUCEWILLISISO NFIRE'. Infact, the movie shows quite a stunning difference. As you can clearly see the fire has made its way from the lower right corner, to the center. Some may say "This is no different!" ah but you are not looking hard enough! For now there is a stick figure joining us and dancing around in all his glory. On a literate note this is not impressive, but if you look for the more deep meaning you will see that the stick figure not only represents the public but it represents the person in all of us. The fire of course represents the chaos and mutiny of change, and keanu surely represents our political leaders. Not many movies speak to me as strongly as this one does.. nor have I ever reviewed a movie before in my life..but if you ask me..this movie.... two thumbs up."
Best movie on NG
The first time I saw this I fell out of my chair (literally) laughing. This is the best movie on NG in my opinion. I come back to watch it every now and then just because its so funny no matter how many times you watch it. Theres nothing more I can say except i'm sad theres only gonna be one more :(
Book of lies
Simply brilliant thats all I can say about this movie.
My eyes hurt from watching those pixels so close up. Basically I was listening to the audio remembering the movie because the pixels looked really shitty. Sorry I just cant say I liked this one.
â īšâ
Age 37, Male
Joined on 3/17/01